Earlier Work of Laura Kent Textiles

Laura Kent | Level Four and Five Textiles in Practice | Manchester School of Art


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Machine Embroidery Critique

Today we were able to put up our first machine embroidery samples onto the walls and critique our work. These samples were based upon fifteen drawings that we achieved in our first week of starting the course- using black oil bar, we were asked to interpret set sentences into a physical form of drawing, for example 'a twisted line that cuts the surface in half'. We were able to use a gray scale of materials and threads in order to achieve this. 

I found the critique very helpful and constructive when assessing my work- it was reassuring to hear positive comments about my pieces, and to be able to understand areas that I need to develop. I have a way of adding too much detail into my pieces, and learnt that it is more beneficial to be able to read what a piece is saying if it has less detailing in, as some of my pieces could easily be described as 'ten samples in one'.

A piece of advice that I found to be extremely useful regarding my attention to detailing was to photograph the pieces with a large lens, and create samples using parts of my pieces. With this advice, the next batch of samples that I am going to create shall be based around the term: 'simplicity'. I am really looking forward to manipulating my usual working methods and trying to use a more forward meaning in my pieces this week through the art of editing.