Earlier Work of Laura Kent Textiles

Laura Kent | Level Four and Five Textiles in Practice | Manchester School of Art


Monday, 8 April 2013

Unit X: Linking Ideas

Today, our Rebel group met for the first time since Easter break. When we arrived at Hilton House it was lovely to see one another again, and we were able to have a quick catch up to see how each other's holidays had been. 

After hellos, we went around the group individually, and listened to one another's ideas and the ways in which we had all interpreted the idea of 175 and Queen Victoria's coronation further. Both myself and Emily had looked into the different fabrics and clothing that appeared in the Victorian era- looking at colours and embellishments that could be found in the textile industry. I had also looked a little closer at the actual coronation of  the Queen- ie. street parties and celebrations that took place around the time. Rebecca has taken to a similar route- exploring the idea of restriction through garments such as corsets. Nicole's researched touched on part of mine- through looking at the colour black, she had interpreted the research of the mourning of Prince Albert, and then taken a step further to look at mental illness linked to depression/ mourning. Finally, in complete contrast, Jess had looked at the idea of Jack the Ripper, and prostitutes in the era, which bought a link between herself and Rebecca's ideas. 

Luckily I had bought some larger pieces of paper, and pens with me, so our next task was going to be to attempt to link all of our ideas together successfully.  The posters beneath are the outcomes of this task - colour co-ordinated into five main subject areas. We have all decided that now we know how we are able to link our ideas together, that we should start on our visual research and meet again later in the week to discuss how we are going to take this development further, and maybe even start looking at possible ideas for a final output .