Earlier Work of Laura Kent Textiles

Laura Kent | Level Four and Five Textiles in Practice | Manchester School of Art


Monday, 4 November 2013

Cornelly Machine Workshop

This morning I have been inducted on the industrial Cornelly A machines, as this was a recommended workshop by Fiona, who felt that I would enjoy the mark-making that it produced- she was not wrong either. Learning about the machines seemed pretty straight-forward: seven machines... they work in two ways producing both chain and moss stitch... dependant on the fabric and threads depends on which machine you use... to operate press on the foot lever and create patterns operating the hand level...

Being an awkward left handier, it was highly amusing using hand-eye co-ordination and pressing the foot lever at the same time, so obviously it took a few attempts to get the hang of it. When I did, I throughly enjoyed the process, and was excited by the outcomes of the samples. As it is coming up to the end of the unit I have decided that I most definitely need to go back onto these machines and use the Cornelly as part of my final samples.