Earlier Work of Laura Kent Textiles

Laura Kent | Level Four and Five Textiles in Practice | Manchester School of Art


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Banksy 'Mobile Lovers'

I adore Banksy. Even more so after his new mural was revealed to the world: Mobile Lovers. This piece I believe, captures life nowadays perfectly; instead of having relationships with people, we have relationships with technology, keeping in touch with each from behind a screen. People no longer engage with one another, with the world, with life. 

Whilst travelling into the city centre this morning, there were 46 people on the bus, 38 of which were looking at their mobile screens.  I'm sure that the other 8 people would have been doing the same if they hadn't been toddlers in their prams, or pushed up against the glass of the bus. It is disgusting. What has happened to the times that we used to sit and talk to one another, without the distraction of Facebook or text messaging? Yes, I am contradicting myself as I too am guilty of spending too much time looking at videos of sneezing pandas instead of getting on with life, but just think, if we were to put down all technology and interact with the world, how much we could achieve and how proud of ourselves we could be.